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May 2019 Updates

May 13th, 2019

We’re officially in the last week of classes for the school year!  I can’t believe that it’s already time for our final concert and banquet.  Below is all of the information that you need to know about our final orchestra events for the year:


1. Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal

Our dress rehearsal for the spring concert is from 4pm-5pm in the Auditorium.Remember that student attendance is required as students receive a grade for the dress rehearsal.Students may leave once they’re done with their part of the dress rehearsal


2. Spring Cluster Concert

Our combined concert with Ridgeview Orchestra is The concert starts at 6:30pm in the RICS Auditorium, with a senior recognition beginning at 6:15pm..Students may stay after school and wait for the concert to begin.As a reminder, students must be in full concert attire and on time in order to receive full points for their concert grade.


3. Senior Recognition

We’re beginning a new tradition this year of having a senior recognition before the concert.  Starting at 6:15, we will recognize the seniors on stage, similar to nights for sports teams.  Make sure you’re in your seats by 6:15 to see our senior recognition!


4. Band and Orchestra Banquet

It's time to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our students at our annual band, orchestra, and guard banquet.The banquet will take place on Thursday, May 16th from 6pm-8pm at Heritage Sandy Springs Center (6110 Blue Stone Rd., Sandy Springs, GA 30328).Attached to this email is a flyer for the banquet.  RSVP’s and money must be turned in no later than We are also still in need of some parent assistance serving, and clean up.  If you’re able to help, click on the following link and sign up for a task!


5. End of the Year Procedures

After our concert on Tuesday, we will be spending class time turning in materials/cleaning up. Students need to bring in any school instruments, folders, and music to class. If students are unable to come to the banquet and are receiving an award, they may pick up their award in class this week.


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