Welcome to the RICS Orchestra!
Explore our website to learn more about the orchestra program at Riverwood, stay up to date on important events and information, and access materials and other helpful resources.

Upcoming Events
May 13, 2019
Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal
Our dress rehearsal for the spring concert is from 4-5 in the RICS Auditorium. This is a mandatory event for all orchestra students.
May 14, 2019
Spring Concert
Our Spring Cluster Concert (with Ridgeview) will start at 6:30pm. There will be a senior recognition before the concert at 6:15pm. This is a mandatory event for all orchestra students.
May 16, 2019
Spring Band and Orchestra Banquet
The Spring Band and Orchestra Banquet will be at Heritage Sandy Springs from 6-8pm. Dress is 'dressy casual'. The cost is $5 for students and $15 for accompanying guests. Seniors eat for free!
May 23, 2019
RICS Graduation
Riverwood's graduation ceremony will be at Cobb Energy Center starting at 3pm. Select students have been asked to participate in this year's graduation symphony orchestra. Students need to report to the RICS band room at 12:00pm with their instruments in order to ride the shuttle over to Cobb Energy Center. Student attire is concert black.